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515 results
IIR document
Interrelation of magnetic phase diagram and magnetic refrigerator performance.
Experimental studies with an active magnetic regenerating refrigerator.
Development of a novel rotary magnetic refrigerator.
Development of an experimental rotary magnetic refrigerator prototype.
Numerical analysis on the performance of a kW class magnetic refrigerator.
GeoThermag: a geothermal magnetic refrigerator.
The lifetime cost of a magnetic refrigerator.
Simulation of a hydraulic circuit for a magnetic refrigerator.
Modeling of a novel digital hydraulic system for a magnetic refrigerator.
Initial experimental results from a rotary permanent magnet magnetic refrigerator.
Design improvements of a permanent magnet active magnetic refrigerator.
The energy performances of a rotary permanent magnet magnetic refrigerator.
Multiobjective optimization of a reciprocating magnetic refrigerator using a genetic algorithm.
Characterization of a kW class magnetic refrigerator.
Refrigeration sector monitoring
7 results
The lifetime cost of a magnetic refrigerator
A research paper published in the International Journal of Refrigeration demonstrates the lifetime cost of a magnetic refrigerator.
45°C temperature drop by using magnetic refrigeration technology
Researchers working in General Electric labs claim to have been able to freeze water using magnetic refrigeration technology.
Prototype wine cooler using magnetic refrigeration
A prototype wine cooler using magnetocaloric technology was presented at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas in January 2015.
A magnetocaloric air-conditioning system for an electric vehicle
Summary of a paper presented during the 7th International Conference on Magnetic Refrigeration at Room Temperature (Thermag VII), available in Fridoc.
Magnetic refrigeration, a promising technology for the liquefaction of hydrogen
A keynote at the recent IIR Congress highlights magnetic refrigeration as a technology with high potential for the liquefaction of hydrogen, an essential energy vector for decarbonisation.
Caloric cooling: state of the art and perspectives
A recent IJR article reviews the most significant results obtained over the past ten years in the field of magnetocaloric cooling and more recently in the field of electrocaloric, elastocaloric and barocaloric cooling. It also presents the...
A new cooling technique for superconducting cavities of particle accelerators
A team of researchers is developing a new method to cool the superconducting cavities of particle accelerators, which could make them more compact.
IIR news
5 results
What’s next for the IIR Thermag conferences and magnetic refrigeration
Since 2005, the International Institute of Refrigeration (IIR) has been organising a biennial conference focused on magnetic cooling in room temperatures. With approximately 200 attendees discover why the latest edition of the Thermag VII...
IC2015 Workshops: An opportunity to join, share and build together
ICR2015: A chance to actively participate in the innovation of refrigeration.
ELICiT pulls in the crowds at ICR2015
The second ELICiT project workshop on magnetic cooling welcomed over 70 participants from around the globe.
IIR member news: Cooltech
The €1.7m MagFreeG project has just been granted to the French company Cooltech Applications by the European Union through CIP Eco-innovation program.
New IIR Working Group on Solid-State Cooling and Heating
Initiated by Andrej Kitanovski (Slovenia), this working group's first objective is to promote international research collaboration in the areas of solid-state cooling, heat pumps, and energy...